
Refurbishing Furniture: The DIY Trend

December 14, 2016
Refurbishing Furniture: The DIY Trend

The right paint color can turn anything into a statement, whether it’s an accent wall or a piece of furniture. Refurbishing furniture has become a big DIY trend for personalizing a room with your own creative touch. All it takes is the right materials for the job and the perfect paint color.

Materials needed:

– Sandpaper, or an electric sander for bigger furniture.
– An old desk, dresser, table, chair, etc. (real wood always works best)
– Varnish (optional)
– Vaseline (for a distressed look)
– Paintbrush
– Paint

Check out your local thrift stores, garage sales, or antique stores for furniture. Places such as Craigslist are also great platforms to look for great deals.

Step 1: Sand down any paint or varnish on the furniture piece. Make sure to wear goggles and respiratory protection. It’s important to sweep away any dust left on the surface so that the paint coat looks as smooth as possible. A slightly damp towel will do the trick.

Step 2: For a more distressed look, wipe small areas with vaseline in places most likely to naturally be worn. This will come into play after you’ve painted.

Step 3: Paint one to two coats over the entire piece. Let each layer completely dry before adding another coat. Depending on the color of the paint and the darkness of the wood, you may need an extra coat.

If you’re going for the distressed look, wait until paint is completely dry before wiping off the vaseline spots. The vaseline will keep the paint from touching the surface of the wood, allowing you to easily wipe it away. This gives it the perfect vintage look- a better alternative than sanding down the dried paint afterwards.

Step 4: It’s recommended that you use a coat of varnish to help seal the paint. This will prevent any transfer of paint onto your furniture, floor or wall.

For a bright and fun lift to your living space, colors such as tangerine, poppy, and lime will make for an eye popping look. Neutral colors such as seagull grey, soft forest green, and rustic blue create a cool aesthetic look. As for the vintage and antique look, honey yellow, dark red, turquoise and egg shell white are popular looks to try.