
Use Color Psychology to Choose Your Paint Color!

July 13, 2022
Use Color Psychology to Choose Your Paint Color!

Did you know colors have the ability to impact human behavior? Now, you do! Color Psychology has been studied since the 1700s and is still being used today in our everyday world, especially in marketing and advertising. Colors such as red, blue, green, and orange can all be connected to a feeling or emotion that has beneficial effects on the human brain. Knowing and understanding these elements is an important component when building your own business or painting certain rooms in your home. When you’re wanting to capture the perfect mood in your space, keep these psychology hacks in mind!


Red, a basic primary color, is associated with passion and energy. Companies use red as a flashy color to grab one’s attention or it is used to channel a sense of urgency. Red hues are the best color to choose when you’re wanting to be BOLD, passionate, energetic, and wanting to direct attention to a certain area.


The color orange can be associated with playfulness. Colors within the orange family, such as yellow, can also portray emotions of positive energy, enthusiasm, and joy. These colors could be used to symbolize sunshine, which is the ultimate “pick me up”. Oranges and yellows are the perfect colors to use when kids are involved in the equation! Whether it’s a playroom, a bedroom or even the colors inside of a daycare, oranges and yellows will capture that playful and warm mood that can make anyone feel like they’re wrapped in a hug! 

Light Blues

Different shades of blue are associated with different feelings. Light blue is typically used for gentleness and peace, which is perfect for a family room or doctor’s office. When you’re wanting a certain space to feel light, peaceful, and relaxed, lighter shades of blue will do the trick.

Dark Blues

Dark blue represents power, strength, and dependability. When you want to make a space of your home or business feel powerful, dark blues are the perfect key in creating that feeling. Powerful, dependable, and durability are the best three words to describe a business. Is a darker blue the next shade for your workplace?


Green has been said to represent growth and nature. Nature has been proven to create a calming and relaxed feeling so, why not replicate that in your own home? Green has a calming component along with other cool colors, such as, purple or lighter blues. 

Now that you have a little bit of knowledge on the psychology of colors, picking the perfect paint color will be a piece of cake! Creating the best vibes in your home, work space, or even the exterior of your home or office building is very important and a secret hack into tricking the brain into feeling whatever emotion you want to feel. When you’re ready to spice up your home or business, call Spear Paint to do the job! Spear Paint is the best paint company to use when, especially when you want the good feelings flowing!

paint contractor in Houston, Use Color Psychology to Choose Your Paint Color!, Spear Paint